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Join an Italian Book Club

An Italian Online Book Club allows us to keep on learning, deepening our connection to the culture and history of Italy through its art, literature and most interesting authors.
It also keeps the mind active and trained, it makes us congregate and meet new people, or even just stay in touch with faraway friends.
It allows us to manage our own time how we best see fit, while reading some of the most compelling masterpieces written by incredible authors, when and wherever we prefer.

There are truly so many gifts to be received!

Piles of Books

WHAT is it?

An Italian Book Club is an opportunity to practice and further your study and knowledge of the Italian Language by engaging with a highly prepared teacher, and a group of like-minded readers like yourself.
We will select together a book at a time to read among the thousands of masterpieces of classic, modern and contemporary Italian  literature.
Sometimes, we might read a Classic or a so-called Masterpiece, where the language will be deeply correct but somewhat proper and elevated, learning about years gone by and periods and events that have shaped the history of the country. At other times, we might choose Noir, a Romance, or a more contemporary piece to practice slang, figures of speech, meet more current issues and places, and explore the actual state of Italy.

Colourful Pile of Old Books
Reading on a Bench

HOW does it work?

Each Book Club is its own little family but, generally speaking, each tends to meet once every two weeks (or once a month), to discuss, debate, share insights, hypothesis and questions over the chapters read for that date. 
There will always be time to talk, use the language and practice not just pronunciation but also more refined tricks and exercises in phonetics.
We will touch different grammatical concepts during our conversations and speculations, and often we will learn more about these Italian authors that have shaped the country.

Piles of Books

WHY should you create your own?

Some people prefer a solo path, others already have their own trusted group of friends or adventurers with whom they have been exploring the Italian language. 
It does indeed help to create a more direct relation with your teacher-tutor, especially if you feel or know you wish to address specific needs. 
Reading is the ultimate way to consciously and subconsciously cement syntax and sentence structure, practice muscle memory and increase your vocabulary.
To be able to then share and confront with others, will strengthen your pronunciation and understanding of phonetics .

Library Bookshelves
Reading Outside

WHY should you join an ongoing one?

Let us be honest: challenges and hurdles are not always pleasant but they do tend to propel fast-learning.
Joining an existing book club will not just give you the amazing opportunity to meet new people, and connect with others that like you love and have a profound passion for the Italian culture; it will also challenge your listening, as you will have to adapt to different accents and sounds; it will push you to adapt to different interlocutors; and it will provide just enough struggle to make this wonderful social opportunity also an amazing learning cocoon.

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